
Ellenville, NY


Ellenville should be known for its historic value, diverse cuisine and endless outdoor opportunities; but until recently, this hidden gem was just that – hidden. When BBG&G; was hired to put Ellenville back on the map, we developed a distinct look that captures its small-town, big-mountains feel.

Using the theme and slogan, Find Yourself In Ellenvile, we’ve helped the town embrace what it truly is – laid back, comfortable, down-to-earth and distraction free. Using simple, modern fonts and muted colors, we’ve created a fresh, cohesive brand that inspires enthusiasm and cooperation among the town.

The logo says it all. Similar in shape to a location pin on a map, it’s kept in line with the Find Ellenville theme. It’s crisp and clean yet communicates volumes about the many things you can find in Ellenville.



Our marketing objectives included increasing visitation, turning day-trippers into over-nighters and enticing business development. For that to happen, we needed to make every traveler’s visit as smooth as possible. By working closely with the town and local businesses, we promoted packages and itineraries, linked local trails into a larger network of potential users, developed new signage in the town, built a microsite, and implemented Content Marketing, Pop-up Events, Social Media, Advertising, PR and more.


The website we created for Ellenville tourism makes it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for, whether that’s food, lodging, attractions, outdoor activities or packages. Travelers are able to discover highlighted activities or read blogs that feature a unique person, place or thing that can be found in Ellenville. The site is simple to navigate, mobile friendly and equipped with vibrant imagery to reflect the beautiful scenery of the surrounding area.

Seeking to maximize Ellenville’s assets, we’ve created fun and simple events at which visitors can experience the various qualities that make the town unique – like the arts, outdoor activities and the music scene.

With marketing trends constantly evolving, we at BBG&G; make sure to stay ahead of the curve. One event we organized for Ellenville was a perfect example of this. Riding the momentum of the virtual reality phenomenon, Pokémon GO, we arranged a contest for the app’s users in order to drive more sales to local businesses and restaurants in Ellenville.

Maintaining a wide-ranging online presence with a consistent style is one of the most cost-effective ways we can market a brand. For Ellenville, we’ve used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube to expand our reach and gather data for further analyzation. Utilizing dedicated branded hashtags like #HikeEllenville and #StayinEllenville, we’ve been able to aggregate content on Ellenville’s website.
