Use Social Media to Deliver Native Ads


Native Advertising is growing hotter by the second! According to Social Times, Native Advertising that uses rich media is said to increase conversion rates up to 60%. Tourism destinations are taking notice, and opting to deliver native ads through social media to generate buzz and boost engagement. But what’s the secret to delivering highly tailored content with great success? Here are 4 key ingredients that you need to deliver quality content that gets noticed: native_socialmedia

  1. Strategic Strategy – Outline who your target traveler is, which platform you will use, and set specific goals that you can easily measure.
  2. Single Placement – In-feed sponsored post or side-bar ads? What platform and method you use depends on your demographic and content.
  3. Content that Drives Action – Convey your messaging through storytelling that adds value to the conversation and blends with a traveler’s experience.
  4. Call to Action – Direct readers to a landing page that allows them to learn more in-depth about your destination.

Ready to take the next step towards set up and delivery? We’re just one phone call away! Give June and Deborah a ring at (845) 615-9084.


Social Times, 2014: