6 Benefits of SEO & Regular Audits

Benefits of SEO Audits

We regularly run SEO audits on our website and our clients’ websites. These assessments ensure that the sites are following the highest SEO standards and are optimized for organic search. We’ve outlined the benefits of SEO and regular SEO audits below:

1. Maximize your site’s traffic. Search Engine Optimization helps to drive high-quality traffic. It helps users who are looking specifically for your type of service or product find you faster, and choose you over competitors. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date with trending keywords and consumer behavior. Users who are actively searching are more likely to engage with your site than someone who drops in from an advertisement or a referral site.

2. Increase your revenue. One of the most important benefits of SEO is the ROI. By appearing on the first page of search results, you are more likely to get higher CTRs (click-through rates) and conversions than someone who appears on the 3rd page of search results. Therefore, ranking higher in search results leads to increased revenue-it’s that simple.

SEO can also lower your overall advertising and marketing costs. With a well-planned SEO strategy, your business can rank on the first page based on high-value keywords which will continue to drive increased traffic for long-term success and allow you to reinvest funds elsewhere.

3. Rank Higher in Search Engines. Ranking high in search engines boosts your credibility among consumers and they are more likely to trust your site. Google and other search engines rank your website based on several different factors. How you rank will determine how visible your site is, and how much traffic will be driven to your site. This goes hand-in-hand with your paid SEO efforts. Having quality content for visitors, including text, images, and videos, and following SEO audit recommendations will help you stand apart from your competition. Since using paid SEM is now common practice, you need to make sure you are set up for success by maintaining your organic SEO-that way you can keep up with the toughest competitors.

4. Optimize your digital marketing strategies. If you are investing in paid digital marketing, organic SEO needs to be a part of your strategy. Paid campaigns and organic SEO work together to drive successful results. That’s why it’s important to pair the two. Strong SEO paired with digital marketing will also boost your other campaign tactics, such as content marketing, social media marketing, and marketing.

5. Repair your SEO strategy. Once you have implemented an SEO strategy over the course of three to six months, it needs to be maintained. Your tactics and keywords need to be re-evaluated regularly. For most companies, it’s recommended to have an SEO audit either quarterly or bi-annually, depending on your size and market.

6. Enhance your user experience and boost site speed. Making sure your site has high-quality content, page titles, and meta descriptions, fast-loading pages, is fully responsive, has backlinks and internal links, and a strong site structure and navigation, will all lead to better usability and user experience. Some of the results of your SEO audit are directly tied to site speed. You will be able to find exactly where your weak points are, and see exactly what needs improvement.

So, why does SEO matter? Why bother?

  • 93% of web experiences start on a search engine (mainly Google searches, images, and maps).
  • Organic traffic is responsible for 53% of total website traffic.
  • 75% of people will never go past the first page of google.

We live in a digital, search engine-driven world. It’s no longer acceptable to just have a website. It has to be optimized for search.

By Alyssa, Creative Director | March 6, 2023