3 Easy Tips to Measure Social Media KPIs

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KPIs are key performance indicators. These KPIs can help track progress of a business. There are several different KPIs you can use to keep track of how your business’s social media is doing. They range from post reach and engagement to likes and shares. For social media KPIs, there are a few simple rules to follow when choosing your indicators.

Tip 1: Set up a timeline. Make sure you have a general timeframe in which you want to track your content. For example, if you are setting up a campaign for a month, you should probably track the progress weekly.

Tip 2: Create measurable goals. Whether you are tracking gained followers or increased engagement, you want to make sure you are setting attainable and measurable objectives.

Tip 3: Make sure the KPIs you are setting are relevant. If the larger goal is to grow the business, you might not want to focus solely on posting, but look towards engagement to grow the following.

In order to follow your KPIs clearly, you must set up a realistic goal. For example, if you have 100 followers on Instagram, it is most likely unrealistic to want to gain 500 followers within a month’s time. It would be more reasonable to set a goal to engage more with your current followers and expect an increase of 10-20 followers within a month. In this particular case, the KPI would be the level of engagement and number of followers.

Growing your business can be made easier through KPIs. Use these indicators to help track the progress of your company’s social media.

By Belle, Social Media / PR Assistant | November 30, 2021