More Than a Marketing Coordinator: Lenore Gillespie

More Than a Marketing Coordinator: Lenore Gillespie graphic

Meet Lenore, our Marketing Coordinator and the newest addition to our team. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Lenore to learn more about her, her role, and what inspires her.

What made you choose this career?

I have a deep passion for social media, influencer marketing, and the art of personal branding. I am fascinated by how marketing can tell a compelling story about an individual, from their social media presence to a comprehensive brand guide. I enjoy helping people, including clients, convey their unique narratives effectively to their audiences.

What do you love about your role?

I love being able to connect with clients day in and day out and understand their individual needs and how we fall into step in helping them achieve their goals. I also very much enjoy working with a passionate group of women who each bring something so special to the table and ultimately achieve success for our clients by working together with a shared vision and purpose.

What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

Building connections with others, experiencing new clients with different needs that stretch me outside my comfort zone, and learning something new every day.

What characteristics do you possess that are important in your job?

I am highly adaptable, patient, receptive, and truly enjoy the art of building connections and relationships. I enjoy bringing a client’s vision to a reality, and seeing their happiness after the success of a campaign, project, or strategy comes to fruition, shows that the foundation of those relationships is strong by being able to truly understand and comprehend their vision.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration in seeing others take a vision, goal, or dream, run with it and build something out of it. It's very easy to have a dream, but it is very hard to take the first step into turning it into a reality and nurturing it day in and day out until you reach your goals. I am lucky to know a lot of strong women who own their brands and businesses, and I am constantly inspired by their evolution. It is a huge motivator towards success.

Who is your role model and why?

I would say those strong women I mentioned above. They are fierce, they are tenacious, they are talented each in their own unique ways, and they do what it takes day in and day out to hold themselves accountable, which is challenging when you work for yourself. You are the one you have to prove yourself to, and these women do just that for the sake of their passion and dreams, and the businesses they’ve built from the ground up. I look up to these women, and strive to live my days with the passion for the pursuit of my own happiness, goals and dreams.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I enjoy cooking tremendously. It is something that brings me joy, especially cooking for others. I love being able to share a meal with people I care about knowing I put a lot of love and care into the meal I’ve made. I love taking trips to new places although I mostly frequent Disney, I love taking trips into the city to explore, shop, and eat.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone seeking out the same career path?

Just go for it, go with your gut, and trust yourself. Get as much relative experience as you can, whether it be freelance work, internships, or anything related to the industry you wish to seek out. Do your homework and do not stop learning. Find someone better than you and walk hand in hand with them, as iron sharpens iron. The marketing industry is constantly changing, but the need to tell a story for a client is not. Be mindful of new trends, stay focused and stay current, but don’t lose sight of core values. Do not get complacent!

At BBG&G, Lenore is much more than a Marketing Coordinator. Her bubbly personality has infused our team with great energy and creativity, and she has played a crucial role in enhancing client communication.