Who, What, When, Where & Why of Native Advertising


Chances are if you’ve looked through a magazine or browsed online today, you’ve seen a Native Advertisement staring you right in the face. But the question is did you know that you were being marketed to?nativeadvertising

For most travelers the answer is no. Unlike traditional advertising, native ads seamlessly blend in with content so that a user’s focus isn’t disrupted. They can appear anywhere from print to digital, social media, and even top-rated news sites. And they’re getting even harder to spot!

Native advertising is essentially sponsored content – articles, videos, photos and audio – that is served to travelers in the hopes that it will be entice them to buy. When done right, native ads can be informative and help a travel brand to sell their destination. However, those who don’t follow the proper guidelines will send their audience scrambling.

Before you jump on the bandwagon, it’s important to know how to know to use Native Advertising to your advantage. We can help guide the way, and whip up exciting imagery and copy to capture travelers attention.