Generating & nurturing sales leads with Marketing Automation

Think about it. How much of your business is spent focusing on sales…finding the leads, nurturing them along until finally, hopefully, you get that much-anticipated KACHING! Marketing Automation can be a time and cost-savings solution, while taking the guesswork out of what’s working and what’s not. It helps businesses identify more “qualified” leads and increases the conversion of those leads,…

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Email Marketing isn’t what it used to be. It’s better with Marketing Automation!

Your business may be using some of the traditional ESPs. They will send the email, report how many people opened it and clicked through the link, but that’s it. What they are missing is “after-the-click” tracking. That’s where our Marketing Automation Program has ESPs beat. Today it’s all about timeliness, relevancy…in other words getting the…

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