Following Up on ADA Compliance
By Deborah Garry, President & CEO | October 15, 2019
A couple of months ago, we wrote a blog post about the importance of keeping your website up-to-date—and as accessible to as many people as possible.
We thought we’d follow up with some good examples of websites that are ADA compliant to raise further awareness around this significant issue.
What is ADA, again?
Title III of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA)—which applies to private businesses—is a law that exists to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access, opportunity, participation, independence and economic self-sufficiency.
This means individuals with disabilities are legally entitled to the information on your website.
What does an ADA compliant website look--and sound--like?
While there is no one format or checklist for ensuring a website is ADA compliant, best practices are beginning to emerge as industry accepted standards or guidelines.
Features like Text Size Manager and Text to Audio allow individuals to create the best possible experiences for themselves.
Creating customized consumer experiences
BBG&G recently included these features and more on the website for the Destination Marketing Corporation for Otsego County (DMCOC), as well as on the site for Dutchess Tourism Inc.
Another stellar example of an ADA compliant site is the I LOVE NY website, which also provides assistive tools such as screen readers to promote digital inclusion.
Here’s a look at what Harvard University is doing regarding digital access and content creation. Enhancements include closed-captioning on videos, images that include “alt text,” and websites that are navigable by keyboard rather than by mouse.
Get a FREE website audit
BBG&G can help you comply with new standards like these that are quickly being adopted across all industries.
For a limited time, we’re offering businesses a FREE website audit.
Let’s figure out how your site can be improved so that more customers can access it—and so that your business meets current legal requirements.
Call us at (845) 615-9084 or e-mail today!