Meet Dr. Mary: Revolutionizing the Face of Healthcare Globally


Meet Mary Schreiber Swenson, Ph.D., the CEO and Founder of MyMedChoices™, a global leader in providing surgical, dental, and wellness international solutions. She also founded Vegan Skin Clinic, an organic, plant-based skincare line, and My Smile Choices, a self-directed dental care with transparent pricing. Swenson has traveled the world to search for healthcare solutions ​ensuring that patients have more choices and options, the highest quality of care, transparent pricing, and the ability to take back control of their healthcare.

As soon as she appeared on Zoom, she was eager to tell me about her art collection on the wall behind her ​because art is an expression of her soul and she enjoys sharing her collection. From the first few words we exchanged, I could tell I was speaking to someone extremely motivated and successful.

When asked about what she is most proud of herself for, she says that her biggest accomplishment is yet to come. Swenson talks about her ambitions to change the face of ​access to more choices and options for medical, dental, and wellness care ​and the ability to travel within and outside your geographical area for these services. We can buy clothes, and automobiles, and plan trips all over the world, so why can’t we SHOP for healthcare the same way? What started Mary on this path was watching her mother die of an operable brain aneurysm at the age of 54. She was raised in a small town of 700 people and information and access to high-quality care was not an option – everyone just trusted the family doctor.

However, founding these successful businesses ​has had its challenges.

“People oftentimes don’t see the 800 failed attempts, the 10,000 times people told you that your idea will not work, the peanut butter sandwiches you and your kids ate for a month waiting for a check to arrive, the 14-hour days you put in for the last 8 years and how hard you tried to convince yourself ​that maybe this time someone will understand my vision. that this time it will be successful.”

Swenson continues to advocate for women in technology and Venture Capital funding to be a discussion to build and grow your business. “Women in technology, especially over 55, are completely overlooked in regard to venture capital money and investor money.” ​She also has a strong presence in the community, Dr. Mary Schreiber Swenson, is the CEO and Founder of MyMedChoices and MySmileChoices, a global dental, medical, and wellness second opinion organization. Founding President of GUAVA Healthcare which she established, franchised, and took public. She is known for her published works on “Women’s Economic Empowerment and Success” and recently published a book; Medical, Dental and Wellness Tourism Post Pandemic, Dr. Swenson has received a number of prestigious awards over the years honoring her for her long and varied list of accomplishments in the advancement of women’s health and wellness issues to include the appointment to the Harvard University Women’s Leadership Board, Kennedy School and international speaking at the Global Summit of Women on health and wellness. She was featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, US News & World Report, INC magazine, and the Women’s Journal and won 2021 the Lifetime Achievement Award by The Office of the President, President Biden.

Dr. Swenson believes in the importance of a positive mindset. Every day she sets daily intentions and has been doing so since she was 10.

“You have to be self-motivated and you have to absolutely love what you are doing.”

Swenson also attributes her positive outlook to her inner circle of people ​and amazing friends.

“My mother, Mary, who died at the age of 54 years old, taught me a lesson that I often reflect on; Life is very simple, stop complicating it. And to tell you the truth – she was right.”

The lack of healthcare support for her mother was what motivated Dr. Mary to create a business that would help people to find the best fit for them.

Dr. Mary also credits her children for helping her build the business – everything from creating excel sheets to participating in conferences with her. She believes that this helped her family stay close and contributed to her success. ​When everyone has a part in the business, they see the vision, they become a part of the revolution, and they go on to impact the globe.

Besides her mom and kids, Swenson also talked about how her fiancé is a great support system.

“There are very few people who can be with a very strong woman and allow her to shine.”​

Dr. Mary’s fiancé actively advocates for her. He accompanies her to conferences and supports her business. He has taught her that there can be two stars in a relationship and that she can have a strong voice and be heard while also having an equal partner.

By the end of our conversation, Dr. Mary reminded me why I love what I do. She shared that the most important thing that I possess is the power to tell a story and the ability to convey a message to the world.​

Dr. Mary S. Swenson is not only a successful, hard-working woman but also a strong, resilient individual making a lasting impact in the world of healthcare and social justice.

By Silvia, Social Media Specialist | November 14, 2022