How B2B Companies Can Leverage Influencers


According to Statista, in 2021, over 90% of consumers engaged with influencers weekly on social media. If you’re not already working with influencers, maybe it’s time to introduce the idea and include it in your marketing plan. 

The world of influencers is already a difficult one to navigate but for B2B it can be even more complex. However, similarly to B2C marketing, it’s all about understanding your target audience, creating objectives, and identifying measurable outcomes. The challenge of B2B influencer marketing may be that there does not appear to be a tangible product being sold. This is where choosing the right influencers comes in and realizing that influencers do not necessarily need to influence on social media.

Take G.E. for example. They partnered with Lena Dunham’s online publication Lenny Letter’s to encourage women to enter the world of tech. In an interview between Lena Dunham and GE Vice Chair, Beth Comstock, they discussed women in the media, careers in science, and how G.E. encourages women in tech. The primary goal of this campaign was to humanize the company and reach out to a female audience to raise interest in careers in tech; including applying for jobs in tech with G.E. 

Influencer marketing is a great way to create relationships with your customers. By choosing a credible influencer to work with you are also growing the relationships you have with their audiences. To invest in influencer marketing for your company is to invest in relationships with your customers.

By Silvia, Social Media Specialist | April 4, 2022