Meet Amy: A Successful Thai Business Woman Changing the World for the Better

Pornrawee Seeluangsawat, who likes to go by “Amy”, was born in a happy middle-class family and grew up in Phetchaburi, Thailand. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Thammasat University, a Master’s degree in Rural Development from Mahidol University, and Ph.D. in Development strategy from Rajabhat Phetchaburi University. She was also a full-time lecturer on rural development for a year.
Amy recalled starting her own business in 2000, a youth camping resort in Kaeng Krachan National Park, the largest national park in Thailand when she was only 22 years old. Her parents owned an unoccupied resort since the Tum Yum Kung crisis in 1997, which she converted into a camp. She continued by saying, “I’m lucky that my parents gave me the opportunity to manage my own business.”
In 2005, she started Anantarak Healthcare training school in Hua Hin, a popular beach town, to train young adults to be nurse aids in the heart of Hua Hin. And, as if she didn’t already have enough on her plate, in 2018 she founded Wannarak Hua Hin Co. Ltd., a healthcare solution for senior citizens that provides the necessary goods and services for improved quality of life including home and environment renovation.
Amy has also been an active volunteer in non-profit organizations such as the World Scout Movement, Greenpeace, Education Associations, Tourism Associations, the Tourism Council of Thailand, and more.
When asked about the most influential people in her life and how they impacted her she first named King Rama IX, The Great King. She said “he was a genius and took real action in a wise way. There are more than six thousand royal projects around Thailand that create a better quality of life for Thailand. His life and actions give enormous results to society. I have been impacted by his work.”
Then she named Abraham Lincoln, the former president of the US, who led the nation through the American Civil War and succeeded in preserving the Union and abolishing slavery, bolstering the federal government, and modernizing the US economy.
Last, but not least, the person who influenced and greatly impacted her life is Lertsatienchai Seeluangsawat (her papa). “My papa is a commoner who is always happy and resilient to any circumstances. He is a good boss and also very supportive, not just for me but also for his employees. Papa is a kind man with dreams. He loves Thailand and the world and always gives back to society as a volunteer in associations.”
When asked what Amy is most proud of, she said, “I am proud to say I am a good daughter, good sister, good student, good friend, good colleague, good teacher, good businesswoman, and a good citizen. I am also very proud of the many things I have accomplished in my life and that I will never give up.”
Amy says her favorite things to do outside of work are; reading, volunteering, and traveling. She finds her inspiration in books, nature, and people.
She lives by the words, “Do the things you love, love the things you do!”
The most important lessons that she has learned are; profitability is vital for any social enterprise to survive, education has proved to be the key to changing society, and a positive mindset is crucial for living a full and vital life.
The advice Amy would give someone following the same career path would be: to have passion, be ambitious, pay attention, and have consideration.
Amy has certainly captured our imagination and is one of the many amazing women our CEO, Deborah Garry, met at the recent Global Summit of Women. We will be sharing more stories of Women in Business in the months to come.
By Sam, Social Media & PR Intern | November 28, 2022