Reflecting on 25 Years of BBG&G

What being CEO & seeing the company grow has meant for me
It’s stunning to me, at times, when I look back over our agency’s growth, how quickly the time has gone!
When the company began, our team was considerably smaller, and the advertising and marketing industry itself was on the cusp of great change. My partners at the time – June Bisel and Gene Bove – and I quickly realized that remaining true to our central mission of providing Manhattan quality creative and advertising services would demand being able to adapt and integrate new skills and technologies seamlessly and effectively.
Before long, we were adding new team members that allowed us to be one of the first agencies in the region to design and develop websites; provide social media services, and launch programmatic digital marketing campaigns. It led us to source and become certified in Marketing Automation, produce award-winning Virtual 360o video, and take our phones into our clients’ businesses to produce live-streaming social video.
Building this company has been the most rewarding, and demanding, accomplishment of my career. It has required commitment, dedication, enthusiasm, passion, flexibility, and a willingness to never be finished – to be always willing to explore new ideas, new opportunities, and emerging innovative tactics that yield tangible results.
I have also learned a tremendous amount about real leadership along the way, and even more so as the agency transitioned to being under my sole direction. Ultimately, my team is my best and most valuable asset. They are best served by my setting high standards, communicating our corporate vision, providing what they need to be successful, and then getting out of their way. Sound communication, positivity, and mutual respect are the building blocks of our corporate culture. As we work together to develop creative marketing communications that generate real value and results, we also make room for fun.
As we begin our 25th year, I look around with a sense of pride and satisfaction. I am part of building something that is greater than myself. I see my team members grow, rise to challenges, and contribute to the fiber and fabric of our agency. They help build our shared vision and help drive our success. We have just become members of Titanium Worldwide, the world’s first collective of certified-diverse, best-in-class marketing agencies. I can’t wait to see what comes next!
By Debbe, President & CEO | August 9, 2021