Spooky Marketing Mistakes to Avoid


Listen up, witches and ghouls! We have been spooked all season long by watching these marketing mistakes take place:

Avoiding Email Marketing. According to McKinsey, Email Marketing is 40x more effective at customer acquisition than social media. So, what’s stopping you? Email marketing is a great way to reach out to new, current, and future customers. It is a cost-effective tool, it increases return on investment, and is a great way to create personalized messaging for customers.

Lack of Social Media Presence. In 2021, 72% of Americans said they used social media (Pewresearch). If you are not on social media, you are missing out on a big opportunity. Pinpointing your audience and learning what platforms they use is a good starting point. However, don’t expect to get high engagement if you are just posting. Engage with your audience and use the features on each platform to create engaging content.

Not Diversifying for Each Platform. Creating evergreen content to share on different social media and marketing platforms is a great way to save time and have content you can constantly work off of. However, not diversifying the content for each platform can set you back. The best way to avoid this is to learn what type of posts perform best on each platform. For example, a link preview might perform better on LinkedIn whereas a video will perform better on Instagram.

Forgetting to Optimize for Mobile. For your website to be successful, it needs to be easily accessible from all platforms. According to Oblero, in August 2022, 53.74% of web visits were on mobile devices. If your website is not optimized for mobile, the chances of visitors leaving your site go up. Creating an optimized website for mobile is all about ensuring the visitor experience is smooth and enjoyable.

No goal or vision. With no goal or vision, you’ll have no clue where, to begin with, your marketing efforts and there is nothing scarier than investing money into the wrong tactics. Having a clear direction will allow you to create a logical marketing plan and distinguish your target audience so that you know where you need to invest your marketing dollars.

Avoid these terrifying marketing mistakes and give your marketing tactics a better chance. Need help fixing these mistakes, we’re ready to help whenever you are.

By Silvia, Social Media Specialist | October 24, 2022