More Than a Marketing Automation Specialist: Robbie O’Quinn

Meet Robbie, our Marketing Automation Specialist. I had the chance to sit down with Robbie, one of the newest members of our team, and learn a little more about herself, her role, and where she finds inspiration.
What made you choose this career?
Honestly, I didn’t. I guess it is the classic example of “it was meant to be” because I fell into email marketing almost as a side note. It turns out I was good at it and it exploded more than I ever would have expected and became this massive part of my work that has supported me throughout my career.
What do you love about e-marketing and marketing automation? Why do you feel it’s a useful marketing tool?
Email Marketing is about having a conversation with your audience, fans, clients, or buyers. It is because of this direct conversation that it has held its spot as one of the top revenue drivers for businesses for decades. The addition of automation to email allowed us to strengthen and grow this position by narrowing the conversation to the individual instead of the group. With Marketing automation, we can create a marketing path that is unique to each person based on their interests and actions. This creates a sense of satisfaction and happiness amongst our subscribers that encourages repeat visits, purchases, or desired actions.
What’s your favorite thing about what you do?
Besides getting to work with an amazing group of talented coworkers here, I love creating new strategies and opportunities to provide value to both our clients as well as their subscribers.
What characteristics do you possess that are important in your job?
Creativity. Strategic thinking. Determination, and the ability to be both right-brained and left-brained more equally than many. Coding HTML to create a new design requires very different mind spaces and it is not always easy to shift between the two.
Where do you find inspiration?
Long walks through the woods with my dog. It’s the perfect place to clear your mind to allow room for clarity and light bulb ideas to come to you.
Who is your role model and why?
My aunt. She passed away last year but was a beacon of love, strength, and positivity, ceaselessly giving back to others throughout her career. She was one of the best people I knew – she inspired and was loved by so many. I would hope to capture even a small part of that.
What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I will admit I am a movie junkie. I love watching movies and relaxing with my dogs.
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone seeking out the same career path?
When I started in email marketing, it was in its infancy. It was hard to predict what an essential part of business marketing it would later become so the fact that now it IS a career path is amazing. Never stop learning. Technology is always evolving and going to conferences, reading industry news and updates, and following a site like an Email on Acid or Litmus will keep you sharp and a top player in your industry.
At BBG&G, Robbie is more than just a Marketing Automation Specialist. She has brought in refreshing strategies and creative ideas and has aided in the growth of the company. Robbie is a team player and is always willing to help those around her.
By Silvia, Social Media Specialist | January 20, 2023