Four Spooky Marketing Mistakes

By Bianca, Account Coordinator | October 21, 2019

A strong marketing campaign has the potential to successfully promote a product or service to your intended target audience. However, thoughtless marketing can do the exact opposite…and even potentially tarnish your brand’s reputation. Are you making any of these four common, yet scary marketing mistakes?

1. Lack of Research & Testing

Skipping the initial stages of research and testing is one the most common marketing mistakes that companies make. Market research can save time and money by predicting how your campaign will perform. A lack of research and testing will result in ineffective ideas being put into practice. We suggest you develop and test multiple offers to see how your potential customers react and engage with each promotion.

2. Improper Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is crucial when differentiating your company from the competition. Strategic market positioning improves the way your overall brand is perceived. If you don’t establish your brand from the beginning, you will have to start over with every marketing campaign. We suggest you relate every product or service back to your overall focus and positioning.

3. Marketing Without a Unique Selling Proposition

Your unique selling proposition is what sets you apart from the competition. Ask yourself…how does your product or service address the consumers need in a way that others do not? If you market your product or service without a unique selling proposition, your company will not stand out. We suggest you make your USP the focal point of every marketing decision.

4. Failing to Capture Repeat Customers

A common marketing mistake is when companies focus exclusively on attracting new customers, versus nurturing and retaining their current clients. Don’t get us wrong…new customer acquisition is important, but not nearly as profitable as marketing to returning customers. You’re missing an important segment of the market if your marketing strategy is only directed towards new customers. We suggest putting the same effort into capturing repeat buyers as you do acquiring new ones.

Mistakes Happen

If a marketing campaign isn’t generating the response you hoped for, take the time to reflect on what might have gone wrong and how you can improve in the future. The best way to learn from marketing mistakes is to adjust your strategy and try, try again!

How Can We Help?

Need help avoiding these scary marketing mistakes? Give us a call, or email us at

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