Why the Instagram Algorithm is Working Against You

Have you noticed that your Instagram posts are not performing as well as they used to? Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing, and it can be overwhelming to keep up with it. However, keeping a consistent post schedule and creating a relationship with your followers is the best way to stay high on the algorithm.


Create a relationship with your followers. The Instagram algorithm tries to show users the content they believe they want to see. This is based on who they are engaging and interacting with. Create content that your followers can engage with. Ask questions in your captions that will create conversations in your comments section. Instagram Stories is also a great tool to utilize to create engaging content. Ask questions, have followers ask you questions, or create polls that people can interact with. It will also help you better understand who your audience is and what they want to see.

Posting is not the only way to be active on Instagram. Reply to comments on your posts and interact with people who are liking them. Also, make sure you are liking and commenting on other accounts. This is a good way to keep conversations going.


Although Instagram has not ranked posts in chronological order in years, newer posts tend to be ranked higher. Keep an eye on your insights and analytics to see when your followers are active, such as the day of the week and time of day. Then, post at these times so that it is one of the newer posts in the algorithm. This way, it shows up in your followers' feed and also helps you have a consistent schedule.

Posting consistently doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be ranked higher in the algorithm, but it does give you a better chance for your content to be on the feed. It also gives you several opportunities to reach your audience and for them to engage with your content. According to Hootsuite, the average business posts 1.56 times a day. This could be too much for some but having at least one post every other day or a few times a week is better than only posting once a week or every other week.


Carousal posts and videos tend to be the best performing content. It gives your guest another opportunity to engage with your content and is also more visual. Video content has been performing well for years but carousal posts are now moving up in the algorithm. Hootsuite notes that carousal posts get 3x more engagement and 1.4x the reach. However, varying the form of your posts between a single image, carousel or video will allow you to reach more people.

Using hashtags is another way to broaden your reach. Using a variety of hashtags allows you to connect with people who will be interested in your content, whether it’s reaching people with a specific niche or those who have viewed content similar to yours. It is also important to include a variety of hashtags including specific tags and broader tags. When you use a hashtag that is very popular your content can get lost, so using those that are not as popular will make it more likely for your content to appear higher in the feed. Also, creating branded hashtags is a good practice. This gives your content more consistency, creates brand awareness, and makes it easier to find your page.

Though the constant changes in the algorithm can be overwhelming it is important to work with it. Learning what works best for you and your audience is key and keeping up to date with your insights will help you create a strategy that will allow your content to perform more effectively.

By Silvia, Social Media Strategist | May 3, 2021