The Power of a Face: How Establishing a Spokesperson Elevates Your Brand

"The Power of a Face: How Establishing a Spokesperson Elevates Your Brand" graphic

Consider the last time you purchased a cosmetic product. Did the image of that captivating individual from a social media video or an alluring advertisement immediately come to mind? Establishing a spokesperson for your company can be remarkably influential. They can leave a lasting impression on the consumer. Companies that put a “face” to their…

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Social Media Content Calendar Best Practices and Template

social media planning

So, you decided to start your social media journey for your business, congrats! But what’s next? You might find yourself stuck, trying to figure out what your next move is or where you need to begin. We’re here to help! The best way to get started is to create a social media content calendar with…

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3 Easy Tips to Measure Social Media KPIs

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KPIs are key performance indicators. These KPIs can help track progress of a business. There are several different KPIs you can use to keep track of how your business’s social media is doing. They range from post reach and engagement to likes and shares. For social media KPIs, there are a few simple rules to…

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YouTube: the Largest Social Media Platform Worldwide

Why aren’t businesses utilizing it? For several years, YouTube has been among the best performing platforms online. According to Oblero, it is the second most popular social media platform and second most popular search engine. So, why is it that only 9% of small businesses are using YouTube? (Brandwatch 2020) Starting a YouTube channel, especially…

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