How COVID-19 Affected Consumer Behavior (Infographic)
COVID-19 has made us all change how we operate on a daily basis. The pandemic has forced people everywhere out of their comfort zones and into the “New Normal.” As marketers, we must understand how COVID-19 has affected consumer behavior, so we’ve sourced these recent statistics to illuminate and inform our strategies.
These takeaways will help you understand consumer behavior shifts, post-coronavirus.
What This Means For You
The future is still unknown. We don’t know when the pandemic will be over, but we do know that consumer behavior has changed, and will continue to evolve. Consumers demand access to their basic wants and needs, meaning a strong e-commerce presence (both desktop and mobile) is critical for any company. And they’re looking to purchase from companies who consider the greater good.
How are you meeting the needs of today’s consumer? Are you aware of your perception in the marketplace? We can help! Sign up for a free marketing consultation with one of our specialists.
By Kayla, Account Executive/ Communications Specialist | September 15, 2020